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Bouddhisme et re-naissances
Buddhism and re-births
Didier Treutenaere
Reincarnation, at the heart of Buddhism.
592 pages, 16x24 cm
ISBN: 978-2919-12275-2
39 €  44,90 $  1590 THB
The question of rebirth, or "reincarnation", is addressed here within the framework of the Therā Buddhist tradition, which flourishes in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos.
This study is based on a double premise: on the one hand, the Buddha provides the clearest and most complete answer to the question of rebirths that so intrigues the West; on the other, the question of rebirths is one of those that best enables us to understand Buddhism.
Contrary to certain contemporary trends which seek to portray Buddhism as a pure philosophy or mere psychology, this book demonstrates that the question of rebirth lies at the very heart of Buddhism, giving it meaning and even justifying its existence.
As the Buddha's teachings constitute a whole, exploring the question of rebirths not only answers a singular question, but also enables us to explore the entirety of Buddhism.
Featuring 1,000 quotations from the Pāli Canon translated by the author, an index, glossary and annotated bibliography, Buddhism and rebirths is intended as a reference work.

Didier Treutenaere holds a degree in philosophy from the Université Paris-Sorbonne, and is a practicing Buddhist in the Theravāda tradition.
He is also the author of :

- 100 questions sur le bouddhisme Theravāda (link to the book)

- Rohingyas, de la fable à la réalité (link to the book)

- La légende de Gotama (link to the book)

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Watch the video presentation of the book :
And the review of the book in the program Sagesses bouddhistes on France 2:
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