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Les Kinnari
« femmes-oiseaux »
The Kinnari, the "birds women"
Bernard Bommelaer
Enter the realm of "bird-women". The beautiful sex, Asia, its mysteries... and its traps.
352 pages, 17x24cm
ISBN: 978-2919-12250-9
21 €  24,90 $  790 THB

With Bernard Bommelaer, enter the realm of "bird-women". The beautiful sex, Asia, its mysteries... and its traps!


Under his coconut tree, he enjoys the well-deserved vacation of a stress-weary European worker. A sensual young woman teases him on the warm sand... Will he be able to tame his kinnari? Will he put her in a cage, like the Thai man who remembers him as the legitimate husband? Or will the cage close in on his candor, like a trap in which these graceful creatures were merely the demonic manipulators?
Thailand is the land of chimeras...
Bernard Bommelaer was born into an old Dunkirk family renowned for its life-saving work at sea, in a village in the Monts des Flandres, on the northern fringes of the French mainland. His father, a teacher and poet, introduced him to the world of the sea, the peasantry and the life of the deep-sea miners.
After studying at the Beaux-Arts in Lille, he turned to architecture, then to business in Alsace when he took over a tea and pastry shop in Ribeauvillé. His artistic tastes and his desire to escape, so deeply rooted in him since the discovery of the great outdoors where he was born, were then satisfied by increasingly frequent trips to Asia.
From his many travels in Thailand, he brought back abundant travel diaries, which he put into novelistic form in a book entitled "Les Kinnari, les femmes-oiseaux" (The Kinnari, the bird-women).

Today, the author lives in retirement in a village on the Gulf of Siam, among the fishermen, thus completing the beautiful trajectory of a life always turned towards the horizon in the great tradition of the explorers of yesteryear.

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