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La vie imagée du Bouddha
The pictorial life of the Buddha
Didier Treutenaere
Temple murals on the life of the Buddha explained in detail
130 pages, soft cover with flaps, 20x24 cm
ISBN: 978-2919-12283-7
19,90 €  24,90
 $  790 THB
The pictorial life of the Buddha is frequently depicted on the walls of Thailand's temples. These murals, depicting episodes strongly tinged with legend, have for centuries had the primary vocation of nurturing the religious and moral education of the Buddhist faithful; and for the last two centuries, their secondary aim has been to rival Christian hagiography.
This book analyzes the main episodes of the murals, explaining their details and giving their doctrinal or legendary context.
Beyond their differences in quality, from the most naïve to the most refined, there is, from one wat to the next, a close similarity between the murals, both in staging and in detail. And these similarities are not confined to the temples of Thailand; they extend to monasteries in all the regions where the Theravāda tradition has flourished: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh or the northern Mekong delta of Vietnam.

With a degree in philosophy from the Université Paris-Sorbonne, Didier Treutenaere is a practicing Buddhist in the Theravāda tradition. 
He is also the author of :
- 100 questions sur le bouddhisme Theravāda (link to the book)
- Bouddhisme et re-naissances (link to the book)
- La légende de Gotama (link to the book)
- Rohingyas, de la fable à la réalité (link to the book)
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Éditions Soukha,

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Tel. : +33 (0)952661621

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